Monday, January 14, 2008

Yorkshire Pudding

My Grandma Bevington made fantastic Yorkshire Pudding (and crazy good roast potatoes) that I remember from Sunday Dinners with the Family when I was little, before we moved to Alberta. This past fall I emailed her to ask her how she made them (I'd made them before and had to throw out the pan I used) so she sent me the following recipe.

1/4 cup of flour, 1/4 cup milk, 1 extra large egg, a pinch of salt, and 1 tbs. water.

Mix `em all together and only beat long enough to get the lumps out.
Then let it rest in the fridge for a while.

Put about 1/2 teaspoon of oil or the beef drippings in 8 muffin pans and put them in a hot oven(about 400 F) and while they are getting hot take out your batter and stir it up. When pans are smokey hot take them out and spoon batter into them. I used a gravy ladle to measure them - that is about 2 dessert spoons full. I don`t have any measuring spoons here so I can`t give you a more accurate measure. The edges of the batter will start to set when you pour it into the hot fat. Hope you have a window in the oven so that you can see how they are doing because they tend to fall when you open the oven door. Look in your cook book for time and temp. If you need more add 1/8th cup flour and milk and an extra egg, the tablespoon water just makes them a bit lighter. DON'T let anyone overcook the beef.

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